Monday, March 28, 2011

my account :)

hmm, anyway aku mau bicarain tentang semua account aku yang pernah aku buat tapi tak lama kemudian nggak aku urusin :p males + capek aku :p zzz, oke kita langsung ke inti pembicaraan :) (ngomong opo toh --") tapi aku gak nulis secara urut kapan aku buat accountku ini :D

my account :
1. Facebook.
di account facebook ini, mungkin kebanyakan orang itu punya akun Facebook ini / FB. nggak tau deh siapa aja yang punya :p akunku ini yang buatin kakakku tercinta :p. soalnya waktu itu aku kaga ngerti deh ye, caranye buat facebook ni #betawi.betawi :D. waktu pertama kali ya aku abaikan akun ini, dan lama-lama pun aktif. akhirnya sampai detik ini, menit ini, jam ini, hari ini.. #lebay-->kumat temenku buanyakkk banget nggak tau siapa aja itu :p. Kalian bisa nge-add aku di facebook dengan nama = Krissanti Dewi

2. Twitter.
siapa sihh, yang nggak punya twitter? ya emng, twitter sedang merajarela di dunia maya :)di twitter itu identik dengan, TWEETS, FOLLOWERS, sama FOLLOWING. kadang-kadang kita banyak-banyakan Followers atau Tweets, tapi kebetulan aku cuman punya dikit followers :p dan tweets-ku kini cuman 300-an. payah ya? HAHA~ -_-. kalo kalian mau follow aku silahkan. di kalo kalian pengen follback dari aku, mention aja. OK?

3. Plurk.
ini akun yang paling membosankan bagi aku. di akunku ini, aku kalo buka paling-paling yaa, cuman ganti profpict, update status, dan yang paling penting. MEMPERHATIKAN KARMAku yang sering turun arggghh. bagi yang mau jadi penggemar/temen/ngerespon aku di plurk, ayo kunjungin di

4. Blog.
aku paling sayang sama blogku tercinta ini. disini aku nulis segalanya #nggak semua dink :p tapi aku baru punya sedikit followers. tapi ini lebih sedikit daripada di twitter. yaitu 7 FOLLOWERS. yaolohh, kadang aku ngiri sama blog temen yang bisa punya banyak followers hehe :D. kalo mau jadi the next followers, kunjungin aja di blog ini. wkwkw THANKS~

5. y!m
aku lupa punya kapan, tapi tepatnya sebelum aku punya facebook #yaiyalahh-__- add aku ya di y!m :) namanya krissanti_d

6. Skype
aku pernah punya akun ini, tapi sekarang aku lupa passwordnya gara-gara di logout-in sama kakakku ohh noooofungsinya juga hampir sama kaya y!m, bisa webcam-an

aku lupa namanya sama passwordnya juga e... hehe :D

itutuh, akun-akunku :) silahkan follow dan add.

thanks for read~

Sunday, March 20, 2011

This is ME~

hi, I want to introduce myself to you :)
my full name is Krissanti Dewi Danudibroto :D you can call me Santi, I was born on March 14, 1998 in Yogyakarta. I has sister, her name is Krisika Putri Wibowo, now she's works in Jakarta. I school in Marsudirini Elementary School, now, I am school in Pangudi Luhur 1 JHS grade 7c. now I am 13 y'o. My hobbies are reading a novel, listening to music, browsing, and editing photo. I was tall, thin, shoulder-length hair, and I was taciturn :D my Ideals is doctor, but NOW, Photographer, beacuse I love to taking some pictures

thanks for read~


Editing Photo~

hi, bloggers :) I'll posting again. abaout my hobby, yeah. EDITING PHOTO :) I don't know when I like to editing photo, #sokinggris. tepatnya waktu liat editan foto punya temenku yaitu Agnes Felinda Nugraheni. :), dia berbaik hati memberi tau salahsatu program editannya, yaitu PhotoScape, yaudah, gak usa banyak basa-basi oke? langsung liat hasilnya aja :). enjoy it~

aku suka edit foto, dan disini aku akan tunjukin beberapa aja. ::
aku ngedit itu programnya campur :) pake PhotoScape sama
walaupun itu bukan foto yang pertama kali aku edit :), bagus gak? hoho..
ini juga hasil editanku :) kalo yang ini cuman pake Picnik doang. baguskah? :D
di foto ini, aku paling suka :p keren #PD tapi waktu aku pasang buat PP di FB lumayan banyak yang like :p bangga dehh xD makasih yang udah like foto ini :*. ini aku program editanya sama kaya yang foto nomer 1 itu :D
itu hasil foto-foto editan saya :). terima kasih sudah melihat hasil fotonya :). aku pake program :
PhotoScape, Picnik, piZap, corel dll. sekarang aku lagi pengen yang Photoshop CS5, sama xiu-xiu, tapi aku bingung buat download itu :p #ndeso :p. kapan-kapan deh aku suru siapa gitu buat downloadin :p

thanks for read~

Saturday, March 19, 2011

My post in English

okey, this time I'll post in English because English is international languange. and sorry if my English less than perfect, so, I want you can understand this post :) i just learned, :D

when my birthday, March 14, 2011, I told to my dad to gave me gift . and I said, I want to Have a camera DSLR

ehmm, you just read the conversation between me and my dad ::

dad : "what do you want?"
me : "I want a DSLR camera, dad,."
dad : "for what?"
me : "because I love taking pictures and I want to developed. could, dad?, I really wanted it"
dad : "why not the other?"
me :"beacuse, I really love photography, that's cool, dad!"
dad :"what brand?"
me : "Canon D500i. so, you can give me a camera?"
dad : "I don't know, I just asked"
me : "ouch, dad, please give me this camera. I really really wanted to have it :("
dad : "maybe, someday I'll to buy for you"
me : "ohh, thank you, daddy :), I really love you"
dad : "your welcome"

but, now, March 19, 2011, I do not have a DSLR camera. I am really dissapointed :(. but, I'm sure, at times, I'll to have the DSLR camera.

thanks for read~


saya kembali #dengan nada lesu :p
nggak tau kenapa akhir-akhir ini  saya merasa tidak enak badan. zzz--"
ya, aku emng bisa dibilang sangat sibuk hanya karena les, dan itu bukan saya yang minta-__- tapi mama saya arrggghhh.
aku paling benci les inggris di LIA. soalnya test kenaikan level aja ribetnya minta ampun. ya wajar dong kalo pake test writing. lah ini ditambah-tambahin sama test oral segala. #bikin ndredek aja :p. atau semacam test wawancara gitu, nyebelin banget-___________-
ini kesibukan saya yang membuat saya jarang memiliki waktu istirahat, jadi jangan heran kalo aku kalo dimana-mana ngantuk terus :D #abaikan dehh :p
~SENIN = les di Bugisan #jauh banget (_ _")
~SELASA = les wajib disekolah sampe jam 5, bisa kebayang KALO AKU, pulang sampe rumah istirahat bentar, mandi, maem, nntn tv, dan tidur :p #tanpa belajar. ya, habisnya ngantookkk bgt-__-
~RABU = les lagi di Bugisan. ARRRGGGGHH !!
~KAMIS = les ansamble. ini les yang paling aku seneng, cuman pulang jam 3 doang, beruntung itu aku :p
~JUMAT = pramuka sampe jam setengah 3, apelnya sampe jam 3, trs sambung lg les LIA jam 3(_ _")
~SABTU = les LIA, lagi, masyaowlohhh T.T
aku cuma punya hari libur les cuman 1 hari, yaitu hari MINGGU. ya itu aja bersyukur kalo tetep di rumah, capek sihh :p, yo kalo jalan-jalan juga gk pp :D, itung-itung refreshing karena udah tiap hari ngedep pelajaran terus :D. okey, sampai sini dulu, lain kali. okey? see you next time :)

thanks for read~

Friday, March 11, 2011

Taylor Swift-Speak Now

Taylor Swift-Speak Now
I am not the kind of girl
Who should be rudely barging in on a white veil occasion
But you are not the kind of boy
Who should be marrying the wrong girl
I sneak in and see your friends
And her snotty little family all dressed in pastel
And she is yelling at a bridesmaid
Somewhere back inside a room
Wearing a gown shaped like a pastry
This is surely not what you thought it would be
I lose myself in a daydream
Where I stand and say

Don’t say “Yes”, run away now
I’ll meet you when you’re out of the church at the back door
Don’t wait or say a single vow
You need to hear me out
And they said, “Speak now”
Fond gestures are exchanged
And the organ starts to play
A song that sounds like a death march
And I am hiding in the curtains
It seems I was uninvited by your lovely bride to be
She floats down the aisle like a pageant queen
But I know you wish it was me,
You wish it was me
Don’t you?

Don’t say “Yes”, run away now
I’ll meet you when you’re out of the church at the back door
Don’t wait or say a single vow
Your time is running out
And they said, “Speak now”
Ooh, la la
Ooh, ooh
I hear the preacher say, “Speak now or forever hold your peace”
There’s the silence, there’s my last chance
I stand up with shaky hands, all eyes on me
Horrified looks from everyone in the room
But I’m only looking at you
I am not the kind of girl
Who should be rudely barging in on a white veil occasion
But you are not the kind of boy
Who should be marrying the wrong girl

And you’ll say “Let’s run away now,
I’ll meet you when I’m out of my tux at the back door”
Baby, I didn’t say my vows
So glad you were around
When they said, “Speak now”

Tuesday, March 8, 2011